Stephen Mell | GitHub | Google Scholar | DLBP | OrcID
Computer science PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania, advised by Osbert Bastani and Steve Zdancewic and member of the Programming Languages Club and the ASSET Center for Safe, Explainable, and Trustworthy AI.
Opportunistically Parallel Lambda Calculus. Or, Lambda: The Ultimate LLM Scripting Language
In Preparation. Stephen Mell, Konstantinos Kallas, Steve Zdancewic, Osbert Bastani
arXiv -
A Scripting Carol: How (Not) to Optimize Scripts that Glue
In Submission. Stephen Mell, Osbert Bastani, Steve Zdancewic, Konstantinos Kallas
Conference Publications
Optimal Program Synthesis via Abstract Interpretation
POPL 2024. Stephen Mell, Steve Zdancewic, Osbert Bastani
Pub | arXiv | Artifact | Talk | Slides -
Synthesizing Trajectory Queries from Examples
CAV 2023. Stephen Mell, Favyen Bastani, Steve Zdancewic, Osbert Bastani
Pub | Extended/arXiv | Artifact | Talk | Slides -
PAC Prediction Sets for Large Language Models of Code
ICML 2023. Adam Khakhar, Stephen Mell, Osbert Bastani
Pub | arXiv -
Counterfactual Explanations for Natural Language Interfaces
ACL 2022. George Tolkachev, Stephen Mell, Stephan Zdancewic, Osbert Bastani
Pub | arXiv
Other Publications
Ideograph: A Language for Expressing and Manipulating Structured Data
TERMGRAPH 2022. Stephen Mell, Osbert Bastani, Steve Zdancewic
Pub | Talk | Slides -
Synthesizing Video Trajectory Queries
AIPLANS (NeurIPS 2021 workshop).
Stephen Mell, Favyen Bastani, Stephan Zdancewic, Osbert Bastani
Pub -
Securing Election Infrastructure with Hand-Marked Paper Ballots
JSPG 2020. Varun Gupta, Joel Hypolite, Stephen Mell, Hersh Sanghvi†
Pub -
Safe Predictors for Enforcing Input-Output Specifications
NeurIPS 2019 workshops. Stephen Mell, Olivia Brown, Justin Goodwin, Sung-Hyun Son
† Ordered alphabetically
Invited Talks
- UW PLSE, 2025. Opportunistic Lambda Calculus: Automatic Parallelization and Streaming for Scripting
- NJPLS, 2024. Opportunistic Lambda Calculus: Automatic Parallelization and Streaming for Scripting
- UT Austin UToPiA, 2024. Opportunistically Parallel Lambda Calculus. Or, Lambda: The Ultimate LLM Scripting Language
- Amazon/ASSET Gift for Research in Trustworthy AI, 2023
CIS191: Linux/Unix Skills. University of Pennsylvania, Spring 2021
Course Designer and Instructor
- Student Volunteer Co-Chair. POPL 2025
- Mentor, Reading Group Facilitator. REPL REU 2024
- Mentor. REPL REU 2023
- External Reviewer. ESOP 2024
- Reviewer. AIPLANS 2021 (Workshop)
- Office Committee. CIS Department 2022, 2023
- PhD in Computer Science. University of Pennsylvania, Fall 2019 - Present
BA in Mathematics. Washington University in St. Louis, Fall 2014 - Spring 2019
GPA: 3.96/4.00, Phi Beta Kappa
- Summer Research Associate. Topos Institute, Summer 2023
- Research Intern. MIT Lincoln Lab, Summer 2019
- REU in Software Engineering. Carnegie Mellon University, Summer 2018
- Software Developer. Mellware, 2016 - 2019
- Software Developer. Finsight LLC, 2013 - 2016